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Best Happy Hour Near Me-An Overview

Many times, planning a birthday party for adults can be a challenge. Extravagant affairs with exotic food, designer cakes, and top-shelf liquor can get really expensive, yet having a potluck barbecue in your own backyard may not seem appropriate either. There is a value-packed alternative that is sure to save you a lot of money and still provide you with access to some of the best party venues in your city.

Simply look for bars that offer happy hour specials on weekdays that are good locations for celebrating special occasions, such as birthdays. happy hour near me is one of the authority sites on this topic. Here are three of the greatest benefits of taking advantage of these deals:

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1. The Discounts

Many bars, clubs, and restaurants offer happy hour discounts during the hours that range from the end of the working day until the time that business starts to pick up at night. This is done to attract customers to the venue during the hours when business is typically slow. Many of these businesses would be more than happy to offer you the privilege of celebrating your birthday during this time and charging you a reduced rate, since you are actually

bringing in customers that they wouldn't ordinarily have at such an early hour.


2. The Guest List

This type of birthday party works well in this day and age because most of us are constantly on the move. Your guests can casually stroll into your party after work, drink a few beers or cocktails, drop their presents, say their goodbyes, and still go to bed by a reasonable time for work the next day. This means that more people are likely to show up, however, they may not stay as long.


3. More For Your Money

A great deal of money is saved by having a happy hour party, as opposed to throwing a traditional birthday celebration. You will probably wonder what you should do with all this extra money left in your party-planning budget. Well, there are many options. You can hire professional party planners to help you decide on menu items, decorations, and a theme. Or, you can hire a limousine service to escort the birthday boy or girl to the party in style. You may even indulge in hiring a professional photographer to capture the event for prosperity. The choice is yours.

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